Here is my inventory system

Hi there!
Here is my inventory system and what I’ve added to it.

Added features:

  • Equipable items have a base stat (damage for weapons, health -haven’t got time to implement a defense system - for wearable items etc…)
  • Enhanced tooltip that presents a list of Modifiers for an EquipableItem
  • Comparison tooltip between an EquipableItem in the Inventory and the corresponding equipped item (if there is one)
  • First version of randomized item dropper (with an affix system), based on the base type of the drop, and the rarity level
  • Auto equip EquipableItem when picking it up (and if the corresponding equipment slot is empty)
  • Min and max damage to randomize a little the weapon’s damages

What I still have to work on:

  • Graphic polish, definitely!
  • Adding tons of scriptable objects items
  • The item randomization: there is a lot of balancing challenge going on!
  • A defense system, related to non-weapon equipable items, and how it will be integrated in the combats system…

Any other ideas?
Thank you!

PS: happy new year!


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