Hello all,
I am currently on the block breaker game near the end at the moment and was wondering if someone could help me out. For those that have progressed further than I have thus far or that have completed the entirety of the course, is there a part when we learn how to code in a shop feature in the game? I am looking to add in a shop menu where the player can use coins/points to buy different in game skins or costumes for their character. If there is a part or specific lecture that goes into this please let me know. I am trying to implement this feature on a project I am doing in between block breaker and the next game.
I feel comfortable with the UI I would just need some direction on the coding. Something probably with using the in game scoring system that is already there but would need to be stored after dying in the game.
If there is a lecture that does cover this type of stuff but is in a different course I do have three of the courses, Unity, Unity 2.0 and the RPG one.