Why when I gg to edge slide do the vertices move but the faces don’t seem to?
It looks like overlapping geometry. You seem to have mesh on both sides of mirror point. I didnt do this course, but its looks like you didnt cut the plane, and its mirrored twice - left side is mirrored to the right and right to the left. And if you move right verts inside the mesh, the left verts - that are mirrored to the right side - are hiding the mesh you just moved.
Try to do loopcut though the middle (along y) and delete one side (left usually) and see if it helps.
Edit: i see you have a loopcut. So go to front, x-ray select left side verts and delete them.
Thank you!
Deleted the left side verts then hit automirror again and things appear working as I want them to
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