Help with performance optimization?

Hi there, i was wondering if there was a way to reduce cpu and gpu load in the FPS project. As i move through the tutorials, my fps is reducing with every step. I already have engine scalability settings at the lowest, maybe its a problem with my code?

What type of hardware are you currently using?

Are you using SSD as the primary drive or Hard Disk Drive?

Hardware and Software Specifications for Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine Documentation

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While code is certainly a possibility, it seems like hardware might be the more likely culprit.

Like Bexar said, lets start with the specifications of your computer.

GPU (Graphics/Video Card) ?

SSD/HDD shouldn’t matter much here. Unreal Engine 4 and especially Unreal Engine 5 have some steep hardware requirements for optimal use.

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I definately need an upgrade, main issue is cpu bottleneck, its often at 90-100%

CPU= i5 4690k GPU= 3060ti

will be doing so later this year, but in the meantime id like to learn more about general optimization. The more simple projects i have run just fine but this FPS tutorial was really stuttering and demanding for my rig.

Yup, CPU definitely needs an upgrade, Intel core i7 or amd Ryzen 7 is what I’d recommend. GPU is fine where it is. You might already know this, but changing the CPU is going to mean a new motherboard and memory (RAM) as well.

As for optimization, take a look at the documentation to get started. Which you can find at Performance and Profiling | Unreal Engine Documentation

Note, the link is for 4.27 but it’s still relevant for 5.

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I was literally about to post a link to the same page. :joy:

Optimization is a broad topic and there are abundant resources on tools & techniques. That said, a good place to start is entering the stat unit command while running the game. This will display frame times in milliseconds for the game thread (CPU), the render thread (CPU), and the GPU. It would actually be helpful if you posted a screen shot with this enabled so we can see what you are actually bound by.

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thanks for the tip. I didnt know about the stat unit command, i will be sure to use it in my next project, and will post the results of the FPS tutorial here next time i open that project. I might need some help understanding what the numbers mean.

A quick tip with commands like stat unit, make sure you’re in-play and have the viewport in focus (clicking on the viewport works). Then you can open the command window with the tilde-key (the ~ key right next to the 1) and type in the command. Type the command again to turn it off.

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