Hi Dan, I think I did it correctly:
Also, @Suryansh thank you so much for your time helping me with this!
Hi Dan, I think I did it correctly:
Also, @Suryansh thank you so much for your time helping me with this!
Did you notice anything unusual?
I’m considering wiping and reinstalling windows for a fresh start, do you think that would help at all?
Do you perhaps a different log? As far as I can tell that log says it compiled successfully.
Yes, I also noticed no errors, that is why I gave up.
The course tells me to build an actor C++ class and it opens in Visual Studio Code.
In Visual Studio Code I click “run build task” and select “ObstacleAssaultEditor Win64 Development Build” and it says this in the terminal:
It doesn’t do what happens to Sam in the course.
@DanM @Suryansh Hey guys, I completely reinstalled windows and everything is working now. It’s quite a relief, haha. Again, thank you so much for all your time!!
Im not exactly sure what fixed it, but while trying to reset my PC there were a TON of corrupt files that I had to take care of.
By the looks of it you had a problem with your PATH environment variable. Glad it’s sorted now though.
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