I recommend creating a plan of some kind with a list of items that you can check off as you go. I like Trello because it’s easy to use and I like to add images of my completed items, which helps keep me motivated. Trello is free if you’re just one person. It feels good to see the items move into the ‘done’ list, which helps with motivation and organization.
But even a list in notepad or on a piece of paper can be helpful.
I started out programming when I was 11 or 12. It’s a great time to learn when you still have more flexibility and it’s easier when you haven’t ‘learned’ how hard it’s all ‘supposed to be’ yet.
Also, you have no idea how much free time some other people have. Some people here a working on projects a couple of hours a day, while some people are doing this ‘full time’. And no matter what, it will always take longer than you think.