Help with managing time

I am 14 years old, and have been coding since I was 8, however the progress has been slow because of school and Hockey, so I’m only able to get a video or 2 some per day… I am decent at coding, which I should be for all those years, but I see people way better with only 2-3 years of experience

Any tips to manage my time better to allot for game dev?

I recommend creating a plan of some kind with a list of items that you can check off as you go. I like Trello because it’s easy to use and I like to add images of my completed items, which helps keep me motivated. Trello is free if you’re just one person. It feels good to see the items move into the ‘done’ list, which helps with motivation and organization.

But even a list in notepad or on a piece of paper can be helpful.

I started out programming when I was 11 or 12. It’s a great time to learn when you still have more flexibility and it’s easier when you haven’t ‘learned’ how hard it’s all ‘supposed to be’ yet.

Also, you have no idea how much free time some other people have. Some people here a working on projects a couple of hours a day, while some people are doing this ‘full time’. And no matter what, it will always take longer than you think.

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Thanks for the response!

  • Most important thing is to have fun.
  • Don’t compare yourself to much to others, when comparing skills people tend to focus on comparing the skills they are not sure about and forgetting the other skills they do have. I am quite sure that the people you comparing yourself too have the same feeling towards you. I have been a full-time developer for more than 20yrs and I still fall for this trap
  • Your early years of learning development weren’t as productive as now. Comprehension level of a 8 year old is a lot different than 14 year old. I bet that you pickup skills a lot quicker now.
  • Did I already mention that game/software development should be fun.
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Thanks for your input

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