Help with an Error? "Accessed None Trying to Read Property..."

Alright, so I’m going to feel really silly if this is explained towards the end of the course - I’ve been putting off continuing until I fix this error message.

I’m getting this message for both the Marine and the Alien (In this screenshot I’m only showing the Marine, I removed the Alien to try and fix one at a time):

I’m using UE 4.26.1 and I’m not sure if I could find a bucket small enough to fit all of my knowledge of Blueprints, so I’m sure there’s a stupid obvious answer I’m just not seeing.

The error message directs me to this node within AnimBP_Marine, where it looks like the Marine reference is pulling back a “none” value

“No problem!” Says I, an optimist at heart. “It must not be casting!” But here’s where I cast to the marine, and I’m not seeing what’s wrong

Furthermore, it must be casting, because the animation stops when I disconnect the execution pin from between “Event Blueprint Begin Play” and “Cast to BP_Marine”, but I still get the same error message.

I’ve tried re-casting the Marine reference with a new name and replacing the previous reference. I’ve tried physically pointing at the screen and yelling “It’s right there! There it is!” And I’ve tried blood magic. I’m out of ideas.


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