[Help] Third person animation hasn't been working for about a 100 lectures!

My third person animation seems to be broken - no shooting animation occurs at all! It is as if all code or development of that phase has been lost!

@DanM @sampattuzzi @ben - what am I missing?! (Confusion arising from fret :no_mouth:)

Update: animations do work, but not all the time. This may be the real symptom to the underlying issue.

Can you take a look at the BP while playing. Is the animation node getting activated?

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Will take a look first thing when I wake up :relieved:
It’s 4am here in India :no_mouth:

I assumed you fixed this cause it works fine for me.

Nope, it’s still randomly not working on some of the bots. Some bots seem to have it working, not others. Could it be related to visibility to the player camera?

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