[HELP] "The project could not be compiled" error

I am getting reports from a few students of the following error in Visual Studio…

… as there are a few threads on the Udemy Q&A, I’m pulling redirecting to a single topic here so you can help each other.

Please start with this Google search as the top 3 posts all have several helpful things to check.

Good luck!

I had to install the June 2010 DirectX Runtimes again after I reinstalled Windows 7 on my computer.
I did that now, like sugested here: https://wiki.unrealengine.com/C%2B%2B_Troubleshooting_Guide

But now I get a new error when I try to compile a project:

I will try to solve this and keep you guys updated. Anyone else experiencing that new error?

Also, some further info: I’m running Unreal Engine 4.11.2 with Visual Studio 2015 Community on Windows 7 64bit. When I downloaded Visual Studio and the Unreal Engine, UE finished first and Visual Studio stalled at the Android SDK setup thanks to my Anti-Virus Software (AVG doesn’t seem to get along with VS. I suggest turning off any Anti-Virus software completely while installing VS). I then cancelled the setup for VS and tried to uninstall what it had installed so far, which didn’t work (didn’t progress at all right from the beginning). I then settled for the repair option.
Visual Studio now runs and compiles without any problems on itself, but won’t work together with the Unreal Engine.
I also feel like this could have something to do with Windows 7, since all the people who have reported this error (at least from what I have seen) seem to have Windows 7 as well.
I also checked all my environment variables, and they are all the way described in the Troubleshooting guide.

While this sucks, I feel like we all have to get used to situations like that if we want to be Developers one day. So I hope that no one here will lose motivation for the course because of this error, which we will definitely solve.


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Soo, I was looking further into the new error I was getting, and someone suggested using the original folder for the projects, like this:

I did that, and now I’m getting the original error again, this is getting really weird.
Will try some more solutions for the original error and keep you updated.


When you search for the error code its giving in the image Ben posted, C4599, you find this thread:

Maybe that will help?


Actually just found a site that says Update 3 is at fault and suggests uninstalling VS with the help of an application and trying to reinstall it without Update 3 (doing that right now).
Here’s the site:
I’m trying that right now and will also update to UE 4.12.5+, like your page suggests.
I’m pretty confident this’ll solve the issue, thanks for the help!

I should also note that it will take me a while until I can tell you if it worked, because I have to reinstall VS and a newer version of UE, and my broadband is super bad (live in Germany in a building that’s 50 years old…)

But once it’s done I will tell you guys!

The VS installer only gives you Update 3 as an option, and since Ben said in the course that we will be needing Update 1 for the course I have decided to select Update 3 again and pray to God that the hotfix with UE 4.12.5 works. If that doesn’t work I will have to find an installer that gives you Update 1 as an option.

ANOTHER EDIT (max 3 messages for new users):

The hotfix works!
I don’t know if me reinstalling Visual Studio did anything, but I doubt it. Although I had some problems with VS in the beginning, and even now while installing it again (which is why it took so long).

But the first thing I would try is to just install Unreal Engine 4.12.5 or higher, like Chris’ provided page suggests, and that should solve the issue. And if that doesn’t work you can try some of the other, VS related, solutions that the other links provide.

Now I can finally start with the course, just like the others with the same problem. Thanks Chris and Ben!

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