Thanks for the above and the explanation…
Regarding the “computer guesses the number on the first try” - I’m not sure you really needed a different method for that? The only person who really knows the real number is the player, you could argue that, given enough attempts, once the computer narrows the possibilities down to only one remaining number then the computer must have guessed correctly, that would be well passed the first go.
An easier approach would be to perhaps just keep track of the number of attempts the computer has made. So at the beginning, it guesses a number, attempts += 1
(attempts = 1 now) - and then have a check… if attempts = 1 - load the “wow, as number wizards go I am awesome” scene 
If the value of attempts is greater than 1, just carry on as normal, no need to load a special scene.
Ok, so let’s carry on with working through it.
Step 6
we’ll assume the player clicks higher
is called
min = 372,501
is called
Step 7
guess2 = random number between 372,501 (guess2) and 1,000,000+1 (max2+1), we will assume guess2 = 475,123
Text output is updated (475,123)
Step 8
we’ll assume the player clicks lower
is called
max2 = 475,123 (guess2)
`NextGuess1()` is called
Step 9
"guess2 = + Random.Range (min, guess2);"
That + character doesn’t look right there - what was it you were hoping this line would do?
To this point, I’ve not seen anything which would suggest the output is not going to get updated.
If you are happy to share the project it may just be easier for me to take a quick look at it, fully, rather than trying to step through like this. The forum will allow you to upload a file up to 10mb, so if your project is smaller than that you could zip it up and share it here. Alternatively, if you have Google Drive or DropBox those could be used too, just paste the link into your reply.