Hi there,
I’m looking for assistance on choosing a game engine, and would like insight from this great community and its Teaching Assistants. I understand that Unreal Engine 5 is pretty standard for 3d games that utilize higher graphic fidelity, but comes at a cost with a steeper learning curve. I’ve always heard good things about Unity, especially for solo developers, or small teams, and now we have Godot. Sometime last year I believe there was some controversy surrounding Unity and how it would be licensed but I do not know enough about it and how it has affected the current state of using Unity.
That being said, I am looking for an engine that will allow me to mostly create 3d games with varied art direction. Multiplayer functionality is a requirement, even though it may be a feature that needs to be worked towards as I understand it is a complex subject. In terms of genre, my areas of interest revolve around arena shooters, survival, horror, narrative, action, i.e. Quake, The Long Dark, Left 4 Dead, Chivalry, Kingdom Come: Deliverance, etc.
In terms of art direction, I would like to be able to work somewhere between heavily stylized to light realism. Regarding development, I would like something that is accessible as a solo developer or working with a small team, as I am more concerned about the programming/developer side of things. I have extensive artistic skills covering a wide range of the game art pipeline. This area is not of any real concern at the moment.
If anyone could provide insight as to which engine I should choose or how I can determine which is most suitable for my needs, that would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.