Help please 7:40

I can’t figure out what I am doing wrong here. I am trying to make the pointed end of the plane by scaling the front face but it is doing something entirely different. I’ve attached a screenshot, could someone help please.


When I did this step, I found it easiest to extrude by clicking the face, then using a direction key (X, Y, or Z) to make sure the new face ended up moving in the correct direction. Then I left-clicked after getting it out some distance, and then I used the S key to scale. But I scaled only in one direction at a time, I think? Maybe you accidentally scaled backwards/past the negative mark and got the normals turned inside out?

I’m new, too, so I honestly am not sure about any of this!

Hello, this artefacts because of overlapping faces (when extrude and scale at same position + scaling with negative values).
“-” scale

  • remove doubles (fixes much problems)
  • select face(s) and scale without extusion (or extrude them and push forward and scale)
    just play with it)

Play with simple cube)

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