Help! No Index.html file?

Building and running WebGL project

Unity is NOT creating a folder with the following files:
An index.html file

it is making the following files.
index (with the google chrome logo)

so i cannot upload my game to
what can i do please?

Sounds like it is an html file but just hiding extensions. Try right clicking the file and looking at properites. Should show of type “html”. It shows chrome logo because that is your default web browser, hope that helps.

Hi buddy,
yes you are right in the properties it is showing as a html… But when i try to upload it to ShareMyGame i get this message:
expected exactly one file named index.html, found 0

any ideas on what i can do plz??

wow! i changed what it opens with to microsoftVS.
then but it into the build folder and the upload started… but then got this message xD:

transformUnityUpload:Error: No such object: at new ApiError (/workspace/node_modules/@google-cloud/common/build/src/util.js:59:15) at Util.parseHttpRespMessage (/workspace/node_modules/@google-cloud/common/build/src/util.js:161:41) at Util.handleResp (/workspace/node_modules/@google-cloud/common/build/src/util.js:135:76) at Duplexify.requestStream.on.on.res (/workspace/node_modules/@google-cloud/storage/build/src/file.js:823:31) at Duplexify.emit (events.js:198:13) at Duplexify.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:466:23) at DestroyableTransform.emit (events.js:198:13) at DestroyableTransform.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:466:23) at onResponse (/workspace/node_modules/retry-request/index.js:200:19) at PassThrough. (/workspace/node_modules/retry-request/index.js:152:11)

Changed it back to Chrome and did the same thing. got this message:

transformUnityUpload:Error: No such object: at new ApiError (/workspace/node_modules/@google-cloud/common/build/src/util.js:59:15) at Util.parseHttpRespMessage (/workspace/node_modules/@google-cloud/common/build/src/util.js:161:41) at Util.handleResp (/workspace/node_modules/@google-cloud/common/build/src/util.js:135:76) at Duplexify.requestStream.on.on.res (/workspace/node_modules/@google-cloud/storage/build/src/file.js:823:31) at Duplexify.emit (events.js:198:13) at Duplexify.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:466:23) at DestroyableTransform.emit (events.js:198:13) at DestroyableTransform.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:466:23) at onResponse (/workspace/node_modules/retry-request/index.js:200:19) at PassThrough. (/workspace/node_modules/retry-request/index.js:152:11)

I made a zip. put it all in that and then uploaded the zip… its worked. thanks for thaking the time to help.

Glad you got it sorted ^-^

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