No Errors but code not working, Unable to progress with my adventure

Thank you for your response, I’ve just tried but no success

Try using Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Z) instead of Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Z)

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are you sure? this code below should fix it :frowning:

void Update ()
        print (myState);
        if (myState == States.cell) {cell();}
        else if (myState == States.table_0) {table_0();}
        else if (myState == States.table_1) {table_1();}
        else if (myState == States.lock_0) {lock_0();}
        else if (myState == States.lock_1) {lock_1();}
        else if (myState == States.corpse) {corpse();}
        else if (myState == States.cell_key) {cell_key();}
        else if (myState == States.corridor_0) {corridor_0();}
        else if (myState == States.corridor_1) {corridor_1();}
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I concur with @Joao_Dalvi, you need the logic to handle this state in the Update() method.

…and I concur with @Rivaldragon too, your button press wont be being recognised… two issues - well spotted guys :slight_smile:

Updated my code with your suggestions, and it still won’t progress further than "Amber Light engulfs you,

Updated link

I really hope we can spot the issue!

Can you check the link? I’m not being able to access it

That should work now :slight_smile:

it is missing an opening parenthesis here:

 void corridor_0() {
        text.text = "You're in the corridor!\n" +
            "Amber light engulfs you.\n\n" +
            "Press Z to continue";
        if **>> <<**Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Z)) {myState = States.corridor_1;}

Oh my, it’s still not working. I’m not sure how I’ve messed this up so much.

Hey, no problem :slight_smile: this happens all the time to most of us :joy:

So, the compiler is returning any kind of error? Or it just don’t change the state after corridor_0?

If it is returning an error, would you mind pasting it?
Otherwise, we can debug and look for it adding a print to the if statement under corridor_0 like this:

Wow this community is so nice!

@Joao_Dalvi It’s not returning an error, it’s just not proceeding passed the corridor_0 statement!

Pasted that line of code, still doesn’t run =[

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The line inside the print appears in the console when you press Z while under the corridor_0 state?

Doesn’t seem too

well, if nothing is appearing within the console when you press Z and if the text under corridor_0 is appearing, seems that the error is within the if itself:

would you mind trying different keycodes and see if it run? something like:

If this don’t work, try taking out the if statement and just put straight and see how it behaves:

let’s try to find where is the problem

Ok, so I’ve done this, and the issue remains the same!
The console is showing corridor_1 playing in game, climbing to over 80000 in console

The corridor_1 text don’t appear in the game window?

No, only in console

What is displayed in the game window? Can you pop a screenshot up perhaps.

to walk you through the process

Z doesn’t work, I’m not sure what’s missing.

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