Help needed Zombie runner WASD keys have stopped working

Hi guys, I really need your help as it says above my WASD keys have stopped working mouse works fine i have tried everything but nothing seems to work

please help I dont really want to start this again.

Hi Simon,

In which course and lecture are you? What did you do before the WASD keys stopped working? Could you undo the change to see if they start working again?

Hi Nina,
Its the Unity 3d, Zombie runner and it happened between early game loop & basic ammo I have tried undoing but it just will not work.

Create a little test script and log the values of Input.GetAxis(“Horizontal”) and Input.GetAxis(“Vertical”) into your console. Do that in Update. Assign that script to your player. Test your game. If the values remain 0 even though you are pressing down one of the WASD keys, the problem is the user input. If the values are not 0, the problem is somewhere else.

Also switch to the scene mode. In your screenshot, you are in the prefab mode. Maybe the player in your Hierarchy is not connected with your prefab and missing components.

Last but not least, if you try to move an animated game object via code, it might be that the animation overrides the changes applied by the code. And by code, I not only mean your own code but also things like the Rigidbody First Person Controller component. Make sure that your animation does not animate the same game object that is supposed to get to moved via code.

Hi Nina, Thanks the test script didn’t remain at zero i have looked at the animations and all seems to be ok. I changed the direction on the capsule collider and it did allow me to move with restrictions on the z & x axis but when I changed it back to y movement stopped.

You are using Unity 2020, aren’t you? I’m wondering if there is a bug in your version or the FPS Controller component. Could you try to update?

Make a backup of your project folder by duplicating it. Save the duplicated folder somewhere else, maybe on an USB stick. To save some free space, you could delete the Library and Temp folders in the backup folder.

I am I tried them but they didn’t work but i have a question as I just done the same thing on another map I am creating can you bake your player onto the map?

Okay, based on the original picture you showed, you are currently in the Scene view.

The controls won’t work unless you are in the Game View screen. I wonder if you are trying to play the game while in Scene View.

This is a very common mistake people make when they are play-testing and tuning while making several changes.

If this is the case, you’re in luck! Most people find it so embarrassing that they only make this mistake once and they never forget what causes this problem after they figure it out.

That being said, if you are indeed trying to play the game in Scene View, don’t feel bad. We’ve all done it. It’s one of those lessons that you only really have to learn one time and then you’re good to go.

Can you try playing in Game View and let us know if that helps?

Can you post your code so we can check it out?

Can you also post the specific lecture you’re working with?

If you post your question from the lesson interface, it should add this information for you. If you post from the general forum, you’ll likely need to add it yourself.

In this example, the 2d, 35_tv_uy2 translates to:

“2d topic, Lesson 35_TileVania_Unity 2nd version of the course” (the new 2D course, not the old 2D course).

By contrast, this example is from:
“2d topic, Lesson 3_LaserDefender, CompleteUnityDeveloper” (the old 2D course)

This is how we can look up what you’re doing and compare your code with the appropriate lesson.

I hope this helps.

Hi Jay, Yeah we’re past that I have done everything Nina asked to no avail, then the same thing happened on a new map that I created this had no scripts on it at all the only thing that I had done was bake some assets onto the map and my FPS ended up with the same problem. So that’s why I asked if you could bake your character onto the map?

The character is not supposed to be baked. Only static game objects are supposed to be baked. That data is used for calculating the movement of moveable objects.

Maybe you could try to increase the “Shell Offset” in the RFPC component. That often fixes issues with the player getting stuck in corners. Maybe it will fix your problem as well.

Thanks Nina, I will give that a shot tested again on a blank map and had the same result so I can say my mistake but you learn every day and I’m new to this so wont be making that mistake again.

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