[Help] Multiplayer Online Game on Website

Hello Guys,

I am Developing a card game, just done with offline mode, the game consists of 4 main players they should share the same Cards, but i tried to follow a tutorial that create a Send and Receive messages, but that is not a good thing for what i a doing because i can’t send each card info all the time, so i may use photon but i am not sure how, i have tried to follow some tutorial but i can’t get the idea of how to let the users share same gameobject and how to place each player in his place or even replace an AI with player, i am stuck for about two weeks.

The game logic is as the following:
Each player picks a bid, then once the biggest bid is placed by a player he will be allowed to play, each player’s cards will be visible for him and hidden for other players.

you may check the following link of the game:

So please guys if any one could help me or instruct me at least with the basics or from where to start that will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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