Help me with this Audio Bug (0_0)

Whenever I stop the thrusters audio makes cliping sound, Help me fix this issue.

I’ve got the same thing going on. I haven’t checked out the Q&A on the course yet, though. Might be an answer over there.

Hey mevanecek,

The issue is with the way the sound file ends. There are a few options that I considered, but seem to take too much time to solve given the problem:

  1. Do it the hard way and create an AudioController utility class in C# that stops the audio before it reaches the annoying sound.
  2. Create a new “Audio Mixer” material, attach the sound to the mixer and set the sound to stop before the beep.
  3. Use a third-party software to clip the sample sound.
  4. Use a different sound.


After checking the file again, the sound happens when you pause the sound clip. Not really surer if any of these for options will fix it, more than likely just the last one.


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