Hello All
I’m sorry I keep on posting a question at the start of every Lecture, but, I’m finding the challenges extremely challenging especiall seeing as we are not taught anything at the beginning before he hits us with one.
Now in this challenges he wants us to have the enemies shooting on every update frame well, Ok then. Now I need to ask some questions am I creating a new script, if so how do link up this script with enemies group and enemy projectiles (the prefabs of which I haven,t created yet), or am I using one of the scripts we already have, which one EnemySpawner (I wouldn’t think so) or EnemyBehavoiur (possibly) if so should we really be placing all the script for this on a prefab - I did something like this in one of my projects and @Rob said this was a no-no.
So, I need a little direction before attempting something as big or as important as this.
Please help … I need a little direction? Something anything!!!