Help in finding relevant documentation

I failed to complete lesson 106. Trigger Volumes on my own. Had to cheat and watch ahead in the video. I failed to find the documentation that would help me decipher this stuff:

I feel like this lesson was supposed to be easy but I got stuck. Can someone point me to the correct docs so I can read up?

Specifically, I failed to find documentation telling me to #include “Engine/TriggerVolume.h”

Also, why is it that we needed to add another UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere)? That is in our code twice now. Does each instance of UPROPERY only refer to the declared variable on the line of code immediately following it?



Thank you Dan, most helpful.

Also specifically it’s the following statement.

You could have it on the same line if you wanted to; it’s also the reason why they don’t have semicolons as that would mean the UPROPERTY is applied to a null statement and not the variable.

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