Help for changing text

TextController (script is not show in Inspector . :frowning: )
I have use Unity 5.6

What problem are you having?

You can either;

  • drag your TextControler.cs script from the Assets folder to the Text GameObject
  • or, having selected the Text GameObject, click on the Add Component button and select your TextController.cs script
  • or, with the Text GameObject selected, drag the TextController.cs script from the Assets folder to the grey space beneath the Add Component button within the Inspector

Any of the above methods will attach your TextController.cs script to the GameObject.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

Thanks :slight_smile: Rob

in Unity 5.v.

set and select option in menu
component->script->Script name (TextControler.cs)

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Hi Mehta,

Funny isn’t it, I’ve never actually attached a script that way, thanks for the refresher! :slight_smile:

So, is it working for you now, or still not appearing?

now working and set text :slight_smile:
set TextControler.cs in inspector

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So it is working now?

yes .

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Awesome! Glad you can move forward again. :slight_smile:

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