Help - error bullcowgame.exe is not found after building

I was trying to get a piece of code to display properly after debugging so I followed the advice given to build first. After doing this I continue to get an this error


What I’ve tried so far:

-search through stackoverflow but i didn’t have any luck trying their solutions.
-I also couldn’t find the .exe anywhere on my computer. :frowning:
-I’ve disabled all antimalware applications on my computer.
-I looked through the linker and project settings to makes sure the directories looked good, but VS has some confusing settings.

Any ideas on how to get this situated? Am i just better off creating a new project and adding the .cpp and header files to that?

I finally figured this one out! Definitely learned a lot by sifting through this.

It’s important to close the console window each time otherwise it can throw errors like this. I also had to adjust the output directory in project settings for some reason after i did the rebuild. I also moved my FBullCowGame.cpp file in the process of fixing it. So once I got all of that ironed out, I was back on track! :slight_smile:

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