Help! Error after create c++ classes

I got this error after i create a c++ classes actor component i dont know what to do.

#include errors detected. Please update your includePath. Squiggles are disabled for this translation unit (G:\Unreal\MyProject6\Source\MyProject6\WorldPosition.cpp).

#include errors detected. Please update your includePath. Squiggles are disabled for this translation unit (G:\Unreal\MyProject6\Source\MyProject6\WorldPosition.cpp).

cannot open source file “WorldPosition.generated.h”

If the code compiles you can ignore it.

Hey @DanM! I’m getting this same error. Everything compiles and runs fine so it’s not urgent, but I would love to know more about what’s going on here in case I come across the issue in my own code. Is it something we end up addressing in the course? (I’m currently only on Lecture 91: Accessing an Object’s Name.) Thanks for any insight!

I don’t know the specific workings of IntelliSense but need to be given additional information beyond the current project. e.g. it needs to know what Unreal adds to the include path.

I would imagine it’s losing that (possibly cached) information. File > Refresh VS Code Project in Unreal usually fixes it.


Not to necro an old thread, but DanM’s suggestion fixed it for me on a windows machine.

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