[Help] Downloaded 2.79 Are there any big differences

Downloaded 2.79 and was wondering if anybody had any trouble following along with the video tutorials. Thanks!

I haven’t gotten past the ‘download Blender’ lecture yet, but have a suggestion. Get out the PDF of shortcut keys and compare to the shortcuts that the Blender interface offers. If those are the same the chances are excellent that any updates won’t harm the lectures’ effectiveness. If any of them are different, mark the changes, maybe keep notes on the differences near your workstation so you can check when a lecture mentions shortcut keys.
Of course, I could be full of hot air and totally wrong, but if that is the case someone will likely come along who knows Blender and the course well enough to tell us both.

You should not have any problems to follow this course using the latest 2.79 version.

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You will not have any problem but, Remember 2.8 is entirely different … its interface is a whole lot different … So if, at the time you download the Blender make sure that the latest version is NOT 2.8… you can use it but, if you want to follow along the tutorials 2.79 is Enough…

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