Help, bullets acting strange

I have been trying to figure out why the bullets acting strange, any help will be appreciated.

Maybe try to adjust the “look ahead for target” in the waypoint progress tracker script on the main camera?
That fixed it for me when I bumped into this issue.
Otherwise the bullets looking a little weird when the ship is moving across the y-axis will be fixed when you get to the Unity Timeline lecture. For now it shouldn’t cause you any trouble because thats the way rick is too.

Hi Karen,

You could try to comment out Ben’s pitch/yaw/roll code and test your game again.

I have just tried it,
Here’s a video without the pitch/yaw/roll code:

It still seems odd to me.
P.S. i have also used a different waypoint progress tracker (betterWaypointFollower.cs), as the older one didn’t worked as expected,
Thank you in advance.

That looks fine. I think the problem is that the particle system does not get executed at the same moment as the timeline animation. If that’s the case, you cannot fix the problem because it is how Unity works.

What you could try is to increase the speed of the lasers/particle system to, for example, 500.

I have managed to fix the problem by changing the simulation space to “Custom”, and then i have changed the custom simulation space to “Main Camera (Transform)”, and that fixed my problem.

Thank you for the help :slight_smile:

Awesome! Thanks a lot for sharing your solution. :slight_smile:

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