[Help] Blurry ship movement?

Is anyone else’s ship very blurred while you move it using the left or right arrow keys? It is especially blurry when you hold either button down to have the ship move all the way to the edges of the screen. I am guessing it has to do with the fact we are running this in Update() and using the Time.deltaTime multiplier against our speed. Is there a way to have the ship not appear so blurry?

Hi Niki,

Any chance you could post a screenshot (may not demonstrate the issue very well), or better still a short video clip?

Sorry for the delay in response. Attached is an mp4 I recorded of the Unity window.

Hi Niki,

The video shows the ship as a bit jittery, is this the behaviour you are talking about, e.g. the movement doesn’t seem to just flow smoothly?

Assuming so, could you post your full code for the player controller please.

See also;

Thanks for responding. Here you go: https://pastebin.com/MZLgDJux

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Thanks, you can of course just copy/paste into your replies too :slight_smile:

Something to try…

Build a stand alone version of your game, then close Unity and run the game, do you experience the same jitter?

Sorry for the delayed response. The result is the same :frowning: It reminds me of the old PSP screens that had such horrible ghosting when objects moved. All moving sprites are doing this. I am playing on a 4k monitor on a PC that can run FFXIV at ultra settings and fps is always above 60 easily. Any other ideas? Could it be because we are on an older version of Unity?


Sounds like you have a nice setup there :slight_smile:

Would you like to perhaps share the project with me and I’ll see if I experience the same issue with your project at this end?

The forum will allow uploads of up to 10mb, so if the project is larger than that, share it via a service such as Google Drive or Dropbox etc.

Happy to download it and take a look. Also, let me know which version of Unity you are using so I can try to perform a fair(ish) test. :slight_smile:

That’d be amazing, thank you. Let me know if this works for you. Unity version 4.6.9f1.

Laser Defender.zip (1.8 MB)


My apologies for the delay responding, I have been plagued by problems with one of the drives in my laptop and it’s knocked me out of action temporarily.

Running the game within Unity I experience the same jitterness that you have described, however, if I create a standalone build and run that, it’s absolutely smooth. I was using the “Good” quality settings when I ran it as a standalone build.

What did you try?

Updated Tue May 08 2018 13:56

I ran my copy of that project here also, built in 5.4.1 and I did notice the same issue actually, e.g. jittery whilst running within Unity, but as a separate standalone build it was ok.

For your build, did you do a Web Player or a PC, Mac & Linux Standalone? I don’t see the quality option you mentioned, I must be overlooking it.


I did the standalone version, e.g. PC, Mac & Linux Standalone. When you launch this you will be given a small window before the game runs, in this you can select the Quality option you want, this maps to the Quality Settings configured under the Project Settings / Quality.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

No change for me here, still very blurry. It looks like the sprites are vibrating in place extremely fast. I’ve been looking on the internet for a solution and tried the different sprite settings with no luck. I even paid for “pixel perfect” script for 2d games and the issue still persists. I tried it on 3 different computers, even one which is a Mac Air with the latest system specs you can buy. I am at a loss as to how to continue :frowning:


I think this is a separate thing, the jittery effect definitely goes away when run outside of Unity, however I do know what you mean about the blurriness, I spotted that too, but wasn’t sure if it was also that which you were referring too.

From what I have seen online a lot of people have stated that that is fairly normal behaviour, some suggesting that it is how our eyes are interpretting the movement. I tried adjusting the movement speeds but this made no difference. The one thing which did make a difference however was adding a motion trail to the sprite, which leads me to think that the suggestion of it is how our eyes/brain is interpretting it could be actually correct. If you add a Trail Renderer component to the ship and run the game, the sprite for the ship doesn’t seem to exhibit the same blurriness, or at least, no where near as much.

I created a material, left all the settings as were, just set the colour and then referenced that in the Trail Renderer component. There are some options for the size of it and obviously you could potentially make it look a lot better. I just had a slight blocky rectangle appear either side when you moved, but it did seem to remove the issue you’ve described.

See also;

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