Of course Game Dev has good starter information.
Some course more then others, but focussed on beginner students.
There is always the official Blender documentation.
You can also become a Blender member (payed subscription), whit that you can access all professional projects and tutorial they have.
Further more read, look, search on the web.
UV-unwrapping is a job-type in the 3D development world. Because there are things like:
- Placing seams
- Placing seams, in connection with texture painting. Having island with enough space in between.
- Seeing details, using higher bitmap pixels (ppi)
- Blender has a new system to use some sort of panneling (I forgort the name), but this nes standard is also used on other production systems.
- UV-map stretching (misforming text on faces)
- Animation stretching faces, influencing uv-maps
So many things to learn in Blender. Just follow the courses, do many small projects. Don’t search immediately for optimization. Because Blender can be complex, projects can be complex. And therefor solutions can be diverse.
There is no wrong in Blender, only efficiency. And that last thing comes with experience.
Have fun, show you progress regularly.