Hello, World!

Hi everybody. My name’s Christopher (Chris for short) and I’m just starting up the C++/Unreal Engine course from Udemy.com.

I come from a development background. First as a Web Developer (LAMP stack), then as a Mobile Phone Developer (iPhone/iOS and Android). I also tried very briefly to make a C++ game with a friend back in 2002. But we didn’t know what we were doing, so it never went anywhere, LOL. So I have some experience in coding and coding C++, but there’s a lot I still have yet to learn, like C++ templates and Lambda functions.

I had worked for an Ad Agency for about four years, and got laid off due to lack of work. I’ll save the sob story and just say, I didn’t take it well, and it took me a while to get back up on my feet. When I finally got back up again I realized I was sorely out of practice, so, after looking around the web, I stumbled on a site called udemy.com and found a course on iOS/iPhone development.

Now, as for what motivated me to take this course. Well, I’d always wanted to be a game developer since I was really little. I got turned off from games after reading the EASpouse blogs about low pay and a constant death march schedule. Flash forward to a few months ago. Two of my good friends, one of which I knew from High School, both egged me on to learn game development. They both make over 100K as game developers and love what they do.

So, seeing as I had already used udemy.com once, I used it again and stumbled onto this lovely course in Unreal Engine, and the rest was history, LOL.

I don’t know for sure whether or not I’ll end up making games. However, at the least, this course will give me a small portfolio of games to show off to any prospective employer. I’m sure that’ll be a real plus for my hiring prospects.

Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself to the forum. It’s nice to meet y’all. I look forward to learning Unreal Engine together with y’all.

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