Hello peeps! xxx

*I am having a problem, what a surprise, LOL. I have been making lips so that I can create all the mouth shapes for lip sync, but I select the top lip and then select my armature and press command P, then I select the with automatic weights option. But when I’m in the animation workspace, in pose mode and move the armature it’s not attached to anything??? xxx

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Do you have multiple upper lip objects?

See the heatmap of one single bone, and see if it’s not only blue.

I also think that you have too many bones. Keep it simple.
Also, the lips are connected to the face skin, which should be manipulated too.

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All I wanted to do was create several mouth shapes for a 2D animation, I couldn’t get the armature to jion with the objects, do you have any idea why? What is a heatmap? Yes there are too many bones, I did end up with all the mouth shapes I wanted, for my 2D lip synching, I moved the mouth around in the sculpting area, -

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