Hello , New to community as well

Good day all,

As the topic title says i am new to this community. Looking forward to learning all i can from this community. i have found myself at a crossroads in my life,career wish that is.i am 49 and have recently been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. Unfortunately this has ended my previous chosen careers. my hopes are that this course will fall under and into the direction i intend to go which is to 3D Modeling and Animation. I have meshed around with it before, lol but i intend to move down this path much more in depth now.

Hoping you are all doing well,



Hi Brian, welcome to the community! :slight_smile:

I look forward to seeing the models you make and share with us all.

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Hi Brian, welcome here!

I am very sorry about your illness. With blender you have chosen an interesting activity. I have made the experience that modeling and watching modeling films helps a lot to relax and feel more comfortable and deal better with everything.

And I love to walk in the neighbourhood and look at the wonderful details of the old houses and everything that surrounds me. With Blender there is an “extra-layer” in my daily life, everything is an inspiration now, even when I have to deal with boring things…

I am sure that Blender will help you also a lot.


i am excited to see what can be created . thank you for the welcome.

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Thank you for the wonderfully honest welcome. Your walks sound like a beautiful layer. It has been a long journey back to inspiration for me. My path has lead me many ways in my life. Parkinson’s has renewed my creative side as it seems creativity is not touched by Parkinson’s until later stages, so i have time. i like that you mentioned walks, i play guitar and i wrote a song about the walks i used to take to help center myself when i felt unbalanced. its called " walk with me."

Again Thank you for the welcome, it has inspired me to do some writing. Very nice.



Creativity is one of the most beautiful things in life and it is nice to hear, that you have 2 of them: music and modeling. :slight_smile: That makes you rich in a certaint way. I like to write short storys (not in english of course :wink: ).

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