Hello from saudi arabia

Al Salam Alaikum
Hi (:

my name is Fawaz i’m a computer science student that just started his journey in game dev , which i hope will be a very nice journy … i always had dreams about making my own game and i came across this course in udemy about a year ago , but did not have the time for it back then (even though i bought it , along with the rpg and belnder course) rick and ben seem to be knowlagable and very friendly and they have certinly put so much in these courses , after they announced updating the entire course to unity 2018 for FREE , i was like this is the perfect time to start … so just waited untill there is lots of sections to learn and here iam (:

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Hi Fawaz, welcome to the community :slight_smile:

You’re correct, this is a great time to be taking the Unity 2D course with all of it’s remastered content. I believe the first 6 sections have been remastered now with Glitch Garden currently in progress.

I look forward to seeing your versions of the course projects in due course. :slight_smile:

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