Hello from Iran!

I just came here to say Hello to everybody.
I’ve been coding for about 2 years and I’ve been in different areas of coding, from web development(HTML, CSS, javascript, node js, MongoDB) to python(some machine learning and AI stuff and sometimes creating simple 2d games with pygame) and flutter framework (which you can create mobile apps for both iOS and Android with a single programming language which is called “Dart”), but I never felt satisfied with what I’m doing, then I decided to come to the game area of coding, I just started the course and by today I have no idea of what are some keywords that we hear in game design process (like what are shaders, prefabs or blob blob blob) are, I’m gonna visit this message of mine, again in sometime in future to see where I had been in it .
BTW, My purpose of learning game development is to create my own games. I’m going to tell my ideas to you here and see what are your comments on them.

See you guys later :wink:

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Nice to meet you! This is very cool, I know little about programming (I’m studying it now), and I used to create vfx

Wow! So I’m talking to an artist :wink:
Actually, I really love to start doing some art stuff (like drawing and etc.), but have no idea how and where to start, cause you know, being a game developer needs some sense of art, you can’t always use others assets. I like to create my own characters and environment objects in future.
Any suggestions?
BTW, coding is really cool and easy, once you get into it with one language, you can read others’ codes in any programming language.
Good luck with that :+1:

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