Hello from India!

Hello! I’m Aditya from Noida, India, and I’m a 15-year-old Student. I have a passion for space and science in general, along with a major interest in gaming. I’ve always wanted to learn how to code myself, however after a few failed attempts with other programming languages due to neglect I am determined to properly learn how to code by combining it with one of my biggest interests.

I was first properly exposed to coding in middle school, in the form of HTML, unfortunately, I didn’t learn much then besides that I was quite fast at typing… I then decided to try my hand at Java which was recommended by my peers. I got quite far with it, making basic graphics like the adidas and batman logo from scratch and creating a 2D top-down maze game with a square protagonist. In between, I even dabbled a little with Python. Alas, I neglected this due to lack of time from exams and lost most if not all of my learning except the basics. Now after learning about unity, I have finally decided to be determined to complete my learning and keep it up by outputting entertaining games.

After I finish this course, I would like to move onto the Unity 3D, Blender and Unreal Engine courses, and bring to life the various game ideas I always had but could never implement onto a real computer. I wish to keep game development as one of my hobbies alongside my passion for science. I also could use it to create games for upcoming competitions.

Also, Happy new year everybody!!! Hope you all have a great 2019.


Hi Aditya, great introduction and welcome to the community! :slight_smile:

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