Hello from Egypt!

My name is Omar ElAshry and, to be honest, have no idea what I am doing when it comes to programming! My older brother introduced me to this course and decided to give it a shot…so here I am. Some of the video games I am passionate about are: Brawl Stars and PUBG. When it comes to real life sports and activities however, I prefer going to the gym and I ADORE playing chess (lemme know if you’re also interested in chess)! So I wish you all the best of luck if you are on par with my rather beginner skills…peace!

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Hi Omar, welcome to the community! :slight_smile:

What a cool brother you have! hehe…

Perhaps your love of chess and the gym will inspire you when it comes to creating your games - I will look forward to seeing what you share. :slight_smile:

Hey Rob,

Thank you for being very supportive and welcoming and hopefully my hobbies to inspire me. I had an idea of trying to make my own 2 player chess! If it works, I may move onto developing player vs computer (of course the computer strategies will be quite simple but it’s a start considering the infinite amount of opening, tactics and so on). Again I just wanna thank you for your kind words and I hope we’ll develop a strong friendship

Kind Regards,


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You’re very welcome Omar.

Creating your own chess game would be a fantastic achievement and as you are a keen player you’ll already have a great idea of the rules and conditions that would need to apply. :slight_smile:

Welcome Omar, what site do you play Chess on
I normally play correspondence Chess at stansco.com
we can have a game or two if you are interested.

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Hey Vladimir, I generally play on chess.com I just got a 1 week free trial diamond membership so I can test out and see if I wanna spend my money there as online training is my only source of training. I would be delighted to play a game or two with you!

Perfect, made an account on chess.com
username: Vladtheawesome
looking forward to a few games

Awesome (no pun intended😂) I’ll be sure to add you

My username is InnocentBandit (it was auto generated by the computer and it made me laugh so I chose it)

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