Hello all, new to all this but excited

Hi all. New to this but excited. Trying to learn to make things for a 3D printer and some FX for my son who wants to be a movie director. So much to learn.

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That’s super cool that you’re trying to help your son and yourself at the same time. I’m excited to be learning Blender as well because it can do so many powerful things. I wish you the best of luck with this course and your 3D prints. BTW, I’ve seen a few YouTube videos showing Blender tutorials on it movie editing features. Maybe this will help you give your son a starting point with that too.

Thanks. My son is very creative and it makes it hard to keep up but still trying. We also picked up Hitfilm for some editing and hope to use a blend (get it…ha ha) of the two to get him to the new short film he wants to make. So much to learn but should be exciting. Signed up for the Blender VFX course as well but will finish this one first.

Looking forward to see you achieve your goals, what kind of short film does he want to make?

He’s trying to make a horror film with some scarecrow. I’m more of a sci-fi fan so this is out of my league.

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