Hey how would i go about creating a Heal action? ive tried to refactor the code for this sword action to where it does negative damage amounts to friendly units but that doesnt seem to work for.
I added a simple Heal method to Health:
public void Heal(int healAmount)
health += healAmount;
if (health > healthMax) health = healthMax;
OnDamaged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
The HealAction then simply calls Heal(amount);
Passing a negative amount to Damage will also do the trick, but without refactoring, the health could exceed healthMax. Calling OnDamage?Invoke should trigger updates to the interface like the health bar.
My boiler-plate health components (like you’ve mentioned in another post, @Brian_Trotter) are usually not very specific. It’s usually as simple as
public event EventHandler<HealthUpdatedEventArgs> HealthUpdated;
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> Dead;
[SerializeField] int _maxHealth = 100;
private int _currentHealth;
private void Awake()
_currentHealth = _maxHealth;
public void AdjustHealth(int amount)
var oldHealth = _currentHealth;
_currentHealth = Mathf.Clamp(_currentHealth + amount, 0, _maxHealth);
HealthUpdated?.Invoke(this, new HealthUpdatedEventArgs(oldHealth, _currentHealth));
if (_currentHealth == 0) Die();
public void Die()
// Do death stuff
Dead?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public class HealthUpdatedEventArgs : EventArgs
public int OldHealth { get; }
public int NewHealth { get; }
public HealthUpdatedEventArgs(int oldHealth, int newHealth)
OldHealth = oldHealth;
NewHealth = newHealth;
I’ll pass negative amounts for damage and positive for healing. I could, if I wanted, have specific methods to make it a little clearer
public void Heal(int amount) => AdjustHealth(Mathf.Abs(amount));
public void Damage(int amount) => AdjustHealth(-Mathf.Abs(amount));
It depends on how you are trying to accomplish it, it would be the exact same as a shoot or sword action except you add instead of subtract HP, and when check for available units where
check the if (!targetUnit.IsEnemy(GetUnit())) to if (targetUnit.IsEnemy(GetUnit())) and also check if the target unit is null, that way it will only highlight your units.
I have it implemented in mine but its not done through units so it would be complex to share but this is essentially what i have done
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