Head sculpt

Did it without a ref. Just relying on the drawing experience. Don’t know how much it worked out :stuck_out_tongue:


If no refs, then use anatomy?
Bone structure, muscles, fat …

I used to draw these things a lot, and some of the refs are just burnt into memory. But It doesn’t always work out. Ref will certainly produce better results.

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Certainly looks very good.

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Impressive for no reference! But you are right you could get better results with it :slight_smile:
You’re new to sculpting then?

Some critiques: The eyes look a little too far dug into in the face, and possibly a little too far apart and high on the head itself (should be about halfway). The bridge of the nose I think also should be dug in a little more. She’s also missing some bony landmarks, especially the forehead ridge on the side. Still, very good bust! :grin:

Edit: I realized I replied to your last post in which you answer my question haha. I agree ZBrush is a little more natural feeling, but Blender is quite good also, particularly how it replicated the clay buildup with the clay strips brush.


Yes. Quite new to sculpting. I have tried once or twice here and there, but not as a serious practice. And zbrush was where I first tried my hand.
You are absolutely right about the eyes. I couldn’t figure out what is wrong, and the eyes are a big part of what’s wrong here :stuck_out_tongue: Thanks for bringing my attention to it.

I should also start looking into anatomy a bit more, I guess.


Yes nothing will improve your sculpts like learning about anatomy! :grin:


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