Head Sculpt - Cycles

Would really love to have a more advanced course about sculpting especially human figure realistic and stylized for games.


Really to be honest I’ve found just doing a lot of sculpts helps you improve more and more, also reference is very important to learn as has been drilled into my head by many people here especially if want to see how well you have improved sculpting what you see


Yeah practicing is part of it, but techniques on how they could get a nice detailed model like Kratos and still have a smooth gameplay would be great.

There are tons of videos on YouTube, like this one taking a sculpt to game asset or grant has other videos on his channel as well, lastly maybe some courses/videos on figure drawing and anatomy.


I saw this course in udemy and it’s even on youtube, the teacher said it’s the whole process start to finish and it’s goin to be use in a game, and thanks for the link.

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