Having trouble with Blender layout

Hello, I am having some issues with my blender layout.

The first problem I’m having is that the 3D view tab is appear 3 times. One 3D view tab is on the bottom and two are at the top. How do I get rid of the two at the top.

The second problem is that the Info tab (which lists File, Window, etc.) isn’t appearing on the top or anywhere on the screen. How do I get the Info tab to appear on the top?

In the video lectures, when he clicks the “plus” icons, something pops up. But when I click the plus icons, it doesn’t do anything. I need to click and hold the plus icons, then drag for something to happen; but even when I do so, something different happens than what happened when the instructor just clicked the plus icons.

Hi Gregory, there should only be one 3D View menu where you see it near the bottom.

I don’t know why you’re also seeing two of them at the top, but you can change them to be whatever you prefer, so change the second one to Info. You can do that by clicking on the cube icon on the left, and then scroll down the dropdown menu that appears, and choose Info.

As for the one at the very top, I don’t know how to get rid of it, as I just tried right-clicking mine to see if it gives me the option to close it, but it doesn’t.

As for the Video issue, I don’t know how to help you with that question, but perhaps someone else who reads this thread will have an answer for you.

OK, I just had another thought about the layout. If you change one of the top 3D Views to Info, as I described in my earlier post, you can then choose Default from the dropdown menu to the right of the Help link in the Info Menu, and you should then be able to get rid of the extra 3D View you’re seeing now.

Hi Gregory, to get rid of the extra view port at the top grab the triangle right above the plus on the right of the viewport and drag it up, the very top one is the info tab your looking for it just has to be changed like Miss_B said. Hope that helps.

edit: and if you want to get the toolbar and the other one on the right(can’t remember what its called) if the plus button isn’t working, you can press T for the toolbar and N for the other

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