Having trouble parenting eyes etc. to armature?

I followed the directions as given but I’m having the most bizarre issue:

The eyes and eyelashes et al. don’t quite seem to want to move with the head (or spine.006) bone like they should? They move at a slight offset, resulting in oddities like this.

Any idea what I’m doing wrong? I set everything to world origin, double-checked that my transformations were applied (the one for the rig wasn’t at first, but I fixed that, and it didn’t seem to affect anything else)…

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Just now figured it out (and this is a caveat not mentioned in the video): the automatic weights gave the “neck” bone some influence on the head (I realized this when I looked at her dead-on and I realized her face was skewed). Clearing the weights fixed the problem.

Leaving this here in case anyone else runs into the same problem!

  • You could also add the eyelashes to the head (body object)!?
  • Also I noticed that your neckbone is a bit long, and therefore influencing the lashes.
    This long neckbone will influence the chin and head deformations.
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Well solved!

Auto weights are good but often not perfect and such fine tuning is sometimes, often, needed.

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