Having trouble here with the holding torch variable

I can’t complete this lesson as that holding torch variable does not exist, i went back through the vids to see if I missed it somewhere and no joy. Also tried to check the update on gitlabs but the article doesn’t exist. Any ideas?

Nevemind, I figured it out, holding torch branch has to be set to false, not true

For anyone else getting stuck here like me here’s my solution. Create a new variable in your character Blueprint called ‘HoldingTorch’ then set this variable after the destroy actor node for the torch pickup we did in the previous video, then remember to tick the check box to make it true! You can then follow this video as normal.

Hey folks,

This is a known issue that’s been brought up internally, the easy fix is to create a boolean variable called HoldingTorch and then follow along as normal. Consider it a mini-challenge for now.

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