Having trouble completing the Treasure Hunt

I understand the concepts showcased around 02:54 - 04:41 but am having trouble correlating that to the treasure hunt.

If someone could break this segment down to me in text, I believe I would have a much easier time understanding the process. Mainly, how he arrived at each point he did in the graph (A, B and C)

There are 3 random vectors

A = (7, -1)
B = (0, 2)
C = (-3, 2)

Then you are given the equation

A + (3 * B) - C

which we are adding to the player’s location at (-5, -2).

Player + A
= (-5, -2) + (7, -1)
= (-5 + 7, -2 + -1)
= (2, -3)

(3 * B)
= (3 * 0, 3 * 2)
= (0, 6)

Player + A + (3 * B)
= (2, -3) + (0, 6)
= (2 + 0, -3 + 6)
= (2, 3)

Player + A + (3 * B) - C
= (2, 3) - (-3, 2)
= (2 - -3, 3 - 2)
= (5, 1)

Thanks. With your breakdown I went and tried again on my own. I understand it more clearly now.

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