Having some difficulties

this topic is getting more and more complicated each session knowing that I have some background in programming, what I need is to know how to simplify all those steps that the instructor is going throw without getting lost and confused.


There is a technique I use when learning things I find complicated.

The most important thing I do, is to watch the whole video with my whole effort on just understanding the big picture. No notes, No practice.

Then I watch it again to take notes.

I separate the new things from what I already know, I do this by taking notes on those new things, and reference them in some way even though I still do not understand them fully. It helps my brain make the space to build that new knowledge.

Then I practice, If I see myself having issues with a concept still , I google it. Just to read it from someone else, another perspective. The brain loves references, the more you get the easier it is to understand and remember.

I think the biggest problem comes when I try to practice something I don’t understand fully yet. Is like trying to play a song you don’t know completely yet. First learn the notes, and then you can try playing music with them.

Im Glad I am not the only one. I came on here to Comment the exact same thing.

In this section the Pacing compared to the previous sections seems too fast and the learning curve seems to have also gone up massively. In the previous sections I was really happy with my progress, as I was going through the lectures I was implementing things before the tutor had even gotten on to them, and I was comfortable that I was really getting to grips with the programming side of things. In this section I am really struggling to get to grips with some of the concepts and am unable to complete some of the challenges and now feel that i’m getting left behind.


Same here, hopefully I’m not the only one feeling like this… thank you mate

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