Having problems implementing the audio file

when trying to implement the OGG file it shows a circle with a line through it symbol as if its the wrong format so I cant put the specified audio into the assets part of unity, how can I sort this or find a way round it?

Hi Adam,

Can you play the ogg files in another program but Unity? If not, you need to install the ogg codecs. They come along with the VLC Player (it’s free).

See also:

What programme should I check the ogg files on and if it doesn’t work how would I use the VLC Player to help me?

The VLC player can be used to play the sound file. Furthermore, it comes with the ogg codec, so you do not need to install the codec separately.

sorry but after downloading the VLC Player it plays but still wont go to in the assets in mu unity is still shows the symbol and will not work

Good. We now know that the issue is neither the ogg file nor the codec.

  1. Do you have a firewall or an antivirus program that could be blocking Unity?
  2. How and where do you try to use the file inside Unity? Could you share a screenshot?
  3. Try to update Unity.

Sorry for the problems but I’ve forgotten how to post my screenshot can you give me a prompt on how to……


To post a screenshot when you have it saved is reply to this thread and click the bar with an arrow coming out the top above the reply window.
That should upload it for you to the forums :slight_smile:

Hope this helps

thank you a lot

is this how I share it? If so this is how it looks :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot for sharing. Dragging the highlighted file into the Assets folder in Unity does not work, does it?

Have you tried to drag it into the Assets folder on your harddrive?

Archiving this question due to inactivity please let us know if this is still an issue or please post a new question.


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