Been working on a Haunted House, here is what I have so far. The ultimate goal is to go from the outside to the inside mainly first floor
Decided to work on the Dining Room Table as well as the Couch. One thing I did decide to be creative and use some of the chess pieces in the furniture. For the table, you will notice the board being the table top with some pawns as legs and the rook sized out for the center piece. The couch I really had fun with, played around with the cloth simulation a bit. To get the round also with some creative thought made the couch out of the Queen chess piece. Every part is from the queen in some way extruded or stretched.
Brought in the table and chairs, used a portal on one f the front windows and another area light above the table and chairs . Also, thanks to Blender’s new update in 2.79, used the new denoise filter while rendering. Could not believe the results, will play around with some of the settings, too high and you begin to lose detail and it becomes blurry. Other than that, used the rook for the chair base and another design I made for the back of the chair itself.
09/24/2017-Update from last dining room, added a chandelier, some wallpaper on the back wall and the back dividing wall.
////////////// 9/28/2017 ////////////////////
Changed the chandelier in the dining room, also added some compositing just to see how the lighting was looking over all.
Really began to add in the Foyer, added a table in the corner; wanted to see if I could create a cloth sheet to drape over some furniture. Was happy I was able to figure it out took a bit of playing with the cloth/collision physics and some shaders, but eventually got to: Silk cloth collision on the table and the floor as well as Velvet, transparent, Mix, glossy and diffuse mix for the shaders. Also added new Chan with some compositing again to check lighting.
Took a while to get this part done, but finally finished the suits of armor. made one then instead of a mirror modifier, duplicated the knights themselves. This is just in case I do want to make each on unique in the fiture haven’t decided yet. ther than that also got rid of the end tables at bottom of stairs and made on big table instead for the middle of the foyer. You will also see I added another sheet for the table itself.
Also have been working on the living room, you will see I split the Bishop in half for the ends of the bookcases. Added a rug as well hair particle system to give it kind of a shag look. Working on the color as of right now still a bit light for my taste in this situation. Have a better idea of the shading once I get all of the lighting correct. Other than that moved the end tables from the Foyer to the living room and made the chess piece pawns into lamps the heads of the pawns themselves are the lightbulbs. Still W.I.P need to finish the fireplace and few other Misc objects.
After all of that is said and done should look good. Can’t wait to finally finish. my projection as of now is to finish by Halloween 2-3 weeks to go!