Harry Potter Chess

Here is my chess scene so far:


With Bishop :


Wow! So much detail to the pieces! Looks really nice :slight_smile:

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Wow that looks incredible!
Well done :+1:

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@Arishwin, @M4l2c3l0
Thank you :slight_smile:

Where did you learn to sculpt like that? Those are some pretty detailed models



Mostly through youtube and practice ^^


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Incredible!! :+1::+1:

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thanks :smiley:

I really love it, that ìs an amazing work

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Love the pieces!! You should make a tutorial :stuck_out_tongue:

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@Flavius, @lahdez Thanks a lot :smiley:

Manu, you really should finish the set sometime :smile:
This topic keeps poping up but it’s just people praising the amazing work so far :+1:

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I’d like to, but recently i’ve started working on a game, or at least the assets. Maybe the team can launch a demo by the end of this month, or middle of october. So if i can find some spare time, i’ll go on with it :smiley:

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How did you even do that??

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i created the simple basemesh. After i was happy with the silhouette, i started sculpting the details :slight_smile:


Just WOW.

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@Nadia_Lallement Thank you :slight_smile:

When finished, this would make a really cool game, with animations, like the movie, and stuff, can’t wait to see it published!

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