Hacking Terminal - Taking it to a new level, literally

So I am very very very very much loving this course so much my brain is started jump starting me into dreamland constantly thinking of all the cool stuff I want to do with this. I really want to make it into a full length game and turn it into something new with plenty of replay value.

Currently I want to turn this into a side scroller/metroid/castlevania-esque, some shovel knight mention in there, little big planet, you know, a more open world kinda game where you collect objects and equipment and things you can put on your character that you use to fight bosses and explore worlds.

However, the theme is you are a ronin hacker, hacking time, and the terminals is how you pick which level you are going to(which world, theme etc.) Each theme would have its own Terminal image to match the theme and so on and so forth.

Now instead of a Win screen, I wanted to use that, as a loading screen, and depending on what password was used(level 1, 2, 3, 4, whatever) thats what level/“win screen” would show and that level would load(whole new scene). The level would then show the game, UI, characters etc. in a sidescroller platformer layout in between Terminal hacking games/menus.

Hi Musahi,

Welcome to our community! Your ideas sound awesome. They will definitely make your game unique. :slight_smile:

Hey thanks! This is so great! Having such a good time. However thinking about it, hoping to learn how to structure it all during these courses as far as loading between scenes in Unity and making multiple levels and things like that. I think I am going to start by taking this hacking project, and using it load you into the rocket boost game and thats how Ill get practice/started on getting ready to make the Time-Hacker game I was talking about. Also I hope somewhere in here there is videos and instruction on making VR games. I have a lot of the hardware and some background messing with VR modding and what not, but I also have big plans for that rail shooter! I hope I can throw my VR headset in the mix here sometime.

Yes, do experiment with the different techniques, try to combine them and make your ideas work. This is the best way to learn.

Just a little tip: Make a backup of your project folder on a regular basis by duplicating it. If something goes wrong, you will be able to easily retrieve your working project.

Git could also be interesting for you. You can find a few lectures on git in the following lectures in this course (CU2):

  • SourceTree Differences on Mac (currently #37)
  • Introducing Version Control (currently #38)
  • Add Unity .gitignore Easily (currently #39)
  • Back-pedalling With Version Control (currently #109)

If you want to learn more about git, you could look for Ben’s new “Git Smart: Enjoy Git in Unity, SourceTree & GitHub” course here in Courses or over on Udemy. However, you can also find a few free tutorials on Youtube.

Git is recommended, especially for complex projects.

Yeah I saw a lot of what he has setup in the videos, I definately need to explore. For past projects I have worked on I have used GitHub and have an account, but it doesn’t look nearly as clean and streamline as the way they seem to have it setup here. I’d love to learn whatever is available. I can’t say I want there to be a limit on my arsenal of knowledge :sweat_smile: I appreciate everyone being here and this being something that exists in this world. Thank you so much! This is so awesome! I’m here to take full advantage! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

GitHub is just a hoster for git repos. You can keep your account and simply create a new repository. Keeping one’s repository structured is a bit “tricky” at the beginning but you’ll figure out yourself what works best for you once you used git for a while. If you make a commit for each completed “task”, you’ll be on the right track.

Good luck! :slight_smile:

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