Hacker game (Added a few extra else if :) xD

Hello everyone, i have only just got to this stage about using “else if” thought id have a bit more fun with the menu before i go any further. sorry its a bit rude at the end.

void ShowMainMenu()
Terminal.WriteLine(“What would you like to hack into?”);
Terminal.WriteLine(“Press 1 for Stu’s FaceBook account”);
Terminal.WriteLine(“Press 2 for Ian’s PornHub account”);
Terminal.WriteLine(“Press 3 for EJ’s DarkWeb account”);
Terminal.WriteLine(“Enter your selection:”);
void OnUserInput(string input)
if (input == “menu”)
else if (input == “4”)
Terminal.WriteLine(“Virus downloading!”);
else if (input == “5”)
Terminal.WriteLine(“Really more virus?”);
else if (input == “6”)
Terminal.WriteLine(“Knock Knock!”);
else if (input == “7”)
Terminal.WriteLine(“Follow the white rabbit!”);
else if (input == “8”)
Terminal.WriteLine(“The Matrix has you”);
else if (input == “9”)
Terminal.WriteLine(“OMG what the actual! Just choose 1,2 or 3”);
else if (input == “whos there?”)
Terminal.WriteLine(“Go fuck yourself and choose 1,2 or 3”);
Terminal.WriteLine(“Choose a valid level”);
} Hacker game (Added a few extra else if :slight_smile: xD

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