Hack into the corrupt government and military to prevent nuclear Armageddon

Hack into the corrupt government and military to prevent them from using weapons of mass destruction that can escalate to a war leading to nuclear Armageddon giving your allied rebels a chance to win the revolution against the government!

Instead of the player going Rambo on the front lines, killing soldiers, destroying supplies, blowing up tanks, following orders, and all that military stuff, the player sits in a hidden base of operations where he/she hacks the technology of the corrupt governments base and facilities to make it difficult for them to fight back the rebels that you are allied with.

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Amazing story for your game!

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I intentionally haven’t given names of the country, factions, leaders because I want to keep it simple (for now).

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Sounds great, I’m intrigued to see your future progress.

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Thanks mate!

I will be expanding a similar backstory for my future games, but it won’t be a hacking game, instead, it would be an fps or action game.

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Fps/action sounds cool, I recently started to redo the rpg course so I intend to have some action there.

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Nice! I got 2 of the rpg ones as well, but I’m not doing those ones yet until I complete a certain number of online courses. Then once I finish 2 of those rpg ones, I will incorporate some rpg mechanics of what I learned for my future games.

I’m curious, do you have a portfolio I can look at? I have one too.

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Oh no lol, I’m only a kid, so i dont have much, I do invest a little if that’s what you mean, doge, xrp which is apparently going to skyrocket

Edit, I see what you mean, no I don’t have much to show for lol, I don’t even have a highschool diploma

However I have created some games unfortunately I got a new computer after my old one broke so I don’t have much on this one, I only have rpg progress and a few simple ones

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oh, I actually didn’t know that haha. I’m a 28-year-old Australian man haha. One thing you might want to think about in future is when you complete projects, you want to build a portfolio showcasing your work for clients to potentially work for.

Here’s mine as an e.g.
Into the Darkness is one of the projects I learned from Gamedev.tv with the shooter/ 3d unity course.

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Ah I see, that ks for providing that, sometimes I’m a little stupid lol

Cool portfolio btw, I should prolly start something like that

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you want to exercise your brain to be smart and rational as much as you can.
Thanks btw :slight_smile:

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