GUIT Text is obsolete error message


I am using UnityVersion 2019.3.5f1. I have gone through the lecture and have downloaded the Standard Assets package from the Asset Store.

My code itself in VS is not showing any errors, but when I click play in Unity, I get the following error message :
Assets/Standard Assets/Utility/SimpleActivatorMenu.cs(11,16): error CS0619: ‘GUIText’ is obsolete: ‘GUIText has been removed. Use UI.Text instead.’

Also when I click on the error message

Greetings, friend. I came across the same issue just today while working on this project, and I have a fix for you!

At the top of the file, just under “using UnityEngine;” you’ll want to add “using.UnityEngine.UI;” and where you see “public GUIText” you’ll want to switch to “public Text”.

I did this and now everything is proceeding as normal.

Thank you so much. I applied the same and the issue is resolved. Everything is working fine now. In case you are in need for any help, do post and I will be happy to help.

problem fixed here :

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