Guard immediately looks away when he starts moving

It looks like in the video from Sam, that the guard remains looking at the original player location while he is moving. I deleted the “Rotate to face BB Entry” node in the other subtask just to be sure, but as soon as the guard moves he starts facing the direction of the motion rather than staying focussed. Any ideas?

Could you show your relevant blueprints?

I’ve found the problem - apologies for the noise!
Like someone else who posted on this lecture, I took the challenge to mean implementing the task in C++, which of course means there is an additional parameter to supply to SetFocalPoint(). That appears to make the difference:

AIOwner->SetFocalPoint(FocalPoint, EAIFocusPriority::Gameplay);

Setting the focus priority mode to EAIFocusPriority::Default means the AI will drop focus as soon as it moves. EAIFocusPriority::Gameplay will maintain the focus even during & after movement. Not sure about the other two priority levels as I didn’t test them.

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